Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekly weigh in and setback

So I had my weekly weigh in yesterday (sunday) and I was surprised to see a whopping 160 lb pounds on the scale! I find it to be a little odd, seeing as I have been eating rather clean and putting in some exercise into the mix. However I do remember reading that we shouldn't really rely on what the scale says, but rather the progress that is shown on the body. 

Mostly my goal is to tone up my legs, inner thighs, butt and abs, so I'm gonna KEEP on going! plus I LOVE how my body feels after I eat clean. I feel so light and energized! And I really like fruits as a snack now, opposed to chips, cookies and other heavy stuff. I mean I get a craving for them here and there, but I make sure I have a little on the weekend.

I'm gonna do some cardio today and some toning work.

Don't give up! Make it fun!

- ^^ Tina

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